
This is a typical homeschool morning in La Josefina.

We slept in until 8am. Yup, everyone. (It was grey and drizzly).

We had a leisurely breakfast of toast, yogurt, strawberries, and granola, though our oven is still not repaired, and we are all hankering for freshly baked muffins. 

We start our school day with Spanish reading.

Dillon finished El Príncipe Caspian (CS Lewis). Jonah is reading De Como Tia Lola Vino de Visita a Quedarse (Julia Alvarez). Brynna read two Hombre Mosca (Fly Guy) books. 

We have about two more weeks of school. 

I have written before about how humbling homeschooling is -- harder than doctoring, for sure. I am more than happy to turn my kiddos' education back over to CCLA next fall, but but I have little doubt that I will miss this sweetness.


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